In botany, a stoma also called a stomate ( pl. : stomates), is a pore found in the epidermis of leaves, stems, and other organs, that controls the rate of ...
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15‏/11‏/2024 · Stomate, any of the microscopic openings or pores in the epidermis of leaves and young stems. Stomata are generally more numerous on the underside of leaves.

ثغر (Stoma)

الثغر أو المسام أو تُغَيرات وجمعها ثغور هي فتحة دقيقة جداً على السطح الخارجي لورقة النبات تسمح بتبادل الغازات بين النبات والجو. توجد معظم الثغور على الجهة السفلية للأوراق لتجنب أشعة الشمس المباشرة وبذلك يتم تقليل التبخر من الأوراق. ويكيبيديا
07‏/12‏/2022 · On the underside of leaves and elsewhere, depending on the plant, are tiny openings called stomata — thousands of them per leaf with variations ...
Stomata are tiny openings or pores in the plant tissue that allow for gas exchange. They are mostly found on the lower surface of dicot plants' leaves.
07‏/05‏/2018 · Stomata are tiny, microscopic and critical for photosynthesis. Thousands of them dot on the surface of the plants. Understanding how stomata ...
Stomata are small pores on leaf surfaces formed by a pair of flanking guard cells that swell or deflate in response to turgor pressure.
07‏/09‏/2024 · Stomata are microscopic openings in plant leaves that open and close to allow carbon dioxide in for photosynthesis and release oxygen and ...
24‏/04‏/2023 · photosynthesis #stomata #ngscience Stomata play a pivotal role in the life of plants, acting as gatekeepers for the ...
21‏/08‏/2003 · Stomata, the small pores on the surfaces of leaves and stalks, regulate the flow of gases in and out of leaves and thus plants as a whole.
Stomata, which means “mouths” in Greek, do indeed resemble tiny mouths surrounded by swollen lips. The “lips” are actually individual cells (called guard cells) ...