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stomata من
C. Willmer, M. Fricker. stomata 2.1 Location and occurrence of stomata One of the earliest recorded vascular plants is Cooksonia pertoni and its fossil remains show the presence of stomata ( Edwards et al . , 1992 ) ( Fig . 2.1 ) . Such ...
stomata من
... stomata produced by light and darkness , but much remains to be done . -Francis Darwin , 1898 Direct stomatal ... stomata but the surface away from the window had closed stomata . When the leaf was turned around , the stomata ...
stomata من
... stomatal movements, and molecular roles involving ion and water flux in the stomatal complex. Stomata are often not flush with the epidermal surface but rather may lie below or above it. Stomatal crypts are large invaginations in the ...
stomata من
... stomata is that they are adjustable , and because they are the main route of water loss from the plant their opening and closing effectively controls the rate of transpiration . The size of the stomatal pore , and therefore the rate of ...
stomata من
... stomata are active regulators of gas exchange , including water vapour . They balance the plant's need for carbon dioxide with the unavoidable water loss that occurs upon stomatal opening . The guard cells of stomata respond to many ...
stomata من
... stomata closed or open . Planta 134 , 69-75 . Raschke , K. & Fellows , M. P. ( 1971 ) . Stomatal movement in Zea mays : shuttle of potassium and chloride between guard cells and subsidiary cells . Planta 101 , 296–316 . Raschke , K ...
stomata من
... stomata and extra small cells adjacent to the stomata. OsSDD1 and RSD1 are both required for inhibiting ectopic ACDs and clustered stomata (Figure 7C). In grasses, stomatal patterning is established when each stomatal precursor in a ...
stomata من
... stomata is gaseous exchange and the secondary function is transpiration . It is not essential that each plant must have stomata . The leaves of bryophytes and submerged leaves of aquatic parts do not contain stomata . Generally , stomata ...
stomata من
... stomata on the needles . Complete cuticular development on spruce needles takes a minimum of 3 months from the time ... stomata transpire at only 2-3 % of the rate of needles with open stomata ( Beadle et al . 1979 ; Larcher 1995 ) ...
stomata من
... stomata are found only on the abaxial ( lower ) surface of leaf . e.g. apple , peach , walnut etc. Such leaves ( in which stomata are restricted to lower surface only ) are called hypostomatic . 2. Potato type . The stomata occur on ...