... God wills . May God bless . The name of God . ( At birth ) May God keep him . ( To the mother ) Thank God for [ your ] safety . allaah yixalliik lana . kattar xeerak . ربنا يسهل . ربنا معاك . الله معاك باذن الله . الله يخليك لنا ...
... have a deep influence in the years ahead . Clothing projects are popular among Indian girls , who are skillful in using their hands . لنا 00 3300 EM BIG TIME SCHOOL 4 - H CLUB B M - 0 00 >> W N A 4 - H Club project resulted in these im ...
... لنا FAVORABLE AREA CONDITIONS MAINTAINED EMPLOΥΜΕΝΤ RISES. BIL . ANNUAL 600 500 400 300 1955-56 '60 -61 YEAR ... SERVICE The greatest over - the - year decline is expected at the annual peak in early July . The 1965 cherry harvest ...
... service providers to confirm that they have satisfied their obli- gations as required by paragraph D.2 . As part of this monitoring , a bank should review au- dits , summaries of test results , or other equivalent evaluations of its service ...
Mary Stanly Bunce Palmer. KEY F. لنا r : d 1 : - sf M : 1 S : fe S S ti : d d : - r d : d t : 1 t W f : s f : -- r S ... God , I have put my | trust in thee : O let me not be confounded , neither let mine énemies | triumph | over ...
... they could throw off their lamb's clothing . It may be true that the Kemalists aim at a new Sultanate and an era of ... Service during the War and afterwards , and we have from time to time published much correspondence about it ...
... they. title of Best College for 2009 because of its at- tention to detail and its great distinction in pro- ficiency , in addition to their undisputed service to our nation . I can see no better way for this 111th Congress to acknowledge ...
... they came on board , and were two fine French lads of about sixteen , who stated that they were on leave from Le Lion , one of the ships of the Toulon fleet . This occurrence is not otherwise remarkable than as affording an instance of ...
... [ لنا Tand person أنت الذى , H ET & g ok 17 T بسلايل ورزالال 19 with pronoun expressed . 20 OTCKTH ] fcKHIKH , T , definite article . t ] nent our master , T , who renders with MS . .more exact انت ايضا انت 16 .our king يا مالكنا .T محب ...
... لنا عليك يدال War , as you know , resembles buckets , and although it exalted you above us yesterday , yet to - morrow it may revolve us above you . when prefixed forms , 1. The participles of every form , voice , number , and perfon ...