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Educators Gather for 2024 NEA Representative Assembly
National Education Association | NEA
Philadelphia, the site of the first meeting and founding of NEA in 1857, will host almost 7000 delegates July 4–7.
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2024 NEA RA California Caucus Meetings
California Teachers Association
The 2024 NEA Representative Assembly and the California Teachers Association Caucus will take place in Philadelphia, PA, from July 3 until July 7.
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NEA RA Portland
Connecticut Education Association
NEA RA Portland July 2, 2025 - July 7, 2025 MEMBER AUTHENTICATION REQUIRED Please enter your CEA Membership ID below.
قبل 5 أشهر
RA at a Glance
National Education Association | NEA
The National Education Association Representative Assembly–the RA–is the highest decision-making body within the over 3 million-member NEA.
قبل 33 شهرًا
CenterPoint Energy and Neara Announce Post-Hurricane Beryl Collaboration to Advance Electric Resiliency Across Greater Houston Region
PR Newswire
CenterPoint Energy (NYSE: CNP) today announced it has reached an agreement with Neara, an Artificial Intelligence (AI)-powered infrastructure modeling platform.
قبل 3 أشهر
AI power grid modeling platform Neara raises $31 million
POWERGRID International
Neara's 3D digital modeling technology is meant to enable utilities to adopt a more proactive approach to network optimization with...
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Australian climate-tech start-up Neara bags $45 million
Forbes Australia
Climate-tech start-up Neara has bagged $45 million in its Series C funding round led by private equity firm EQT, with participation from...
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NEA Representative Assembly
California Teachers Association
The NEA Representative Assembly is the largest democratic deliberative assembly in the world, and helps set policy and chart the direction of NEA business.
قبل 56 شهرًا
NEA President to RA Delegates: ‘We Must Keep Going’
National Education Association | NEA
In her keynote address to the 2024 NEA Representative Assembly, NEA President Becky Pringle urges educators to build on their organizing...
قبل 6 أشهر
NEA RA New Business Items Strengthen Public Education
Connecticut Education Association
Connecticut's delegation to the 2023 NEA Representative Assembly deliberated and voted on new business items to strengthen the organization...
قبل 18 شهرًا