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RA at a Glance
National Education Association | NEA
NEA's Annual Meeting takes place during the final week of June and/or the first week of July. Various committees, constituencies, caucuses,...
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Reviewing advances in severe accident research for existing and advanced reactor designs
Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA)
The Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) supports member countries' efforts to enhance their ability to manage severe accidents through co-operative...
قبل 7 أشهر
NEA Representative Assembly
California Teachers Association
David Goldberg speaks at the NEA RA 2023 for the first time as CTA President. Goldberg started his 2-year term as CTA President on June 26, 2023.
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NEA committees make progress, share best practices in the safety assessment and regulation of nuclear facilities
Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA)
CSNI and CNRA meetings took place on 4-7 June.
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Greener self-sufficient power grid prioritized
China is set to further enhance its energy self-sufficiency while expanding its renewable energy dominance in the coming years,...
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Conferences & Events
National Education Association | NEA
Every summer, NEA holds events for members to connect by career phase and role, and to advance our work on racial and social justice.
قبل 52 شهرًا
Healing, Bridging, Thriving: A Summit on Arts and Culture in our Communities
National Endowment for the Arts (.gov)
Healing, Bridging, Thriving: A Summit on Arts and Culture in our Communities” will explore how the arts can contribute to health and...
قبل 11 شهرًا
2024 MSEA Convention
Maryland State Education Association
The 2024 MSEA Convention and Representative Assembly (RA) will be held on October 18-19, 2024 at the Ocean City Convention Center in Ocean City, MD.
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Annual Meeting and Representative Assembly
National Education Association | NEA
NEA's Annual Meeting & Representative Assembly. The world's largest democratic, deliberative body, by educators, for educators.
قبل 46 شهرًا
Lidl becomes official partner of UEFA Europa League and UEFA Conference League
Lidl expands its football partnership portfolio becoming the Official Partner of two UEFA Club Competitions; UEFA Europa League™ and UEFA...
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