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University of Oregon from
... University of "Wash" ington nt Seattle. , - '!,.'" .November 17— University of Califor* nla nt Eugene. « , November" .20-r-Oregon '" Agricultoral College at Portland. ... This is the schedule- as announced by A. B. Tiffany, graduate ...
University of Oregon from
... Oregon public universities the second-most expensive in the West were approved Friday by tho state Board of Higher Education. Only tho University of California at Berkeley will have higher instate tuition than the University of Oregon and ...
University of Oregon from
... University High. The University of Oregon school of education is host to both groups. Monday Sessions Sessions will commence at 9:30 a.m. Monday with discussions of "Human Relations In the Classroom" and "Pupil Participation in ...
University of Oregon from
... University of Oregon. Free. 346-1450. "Strange Fruit" exhibit by painter Arvle Smith, based on archetypical events in the his- tory of black-white America, LaVerne Krause Gallery, Lawrence Hall, University of Oregon. Runs through next ...
University of Oregon from
Pine Mountain observers visit Oregon, UO astronomers take a peek at Palomar telescope. University of Oregon doctoral student John B. Swedlund of the Pine Mountain Observatory staff Is climbing Into the wire cage which clings to the side ...
University of Oregon from
... Oregon. The professors are only temporary victims of legislative parsimony. And if they choose, they need not be Victims at all. They can quit, as 35 "permanent" members of the University of Oregon staff have already done-since fast ...
University of Oregon from
STRUB TO SPEARS SIGNS WITH OREGON Former Minnesota Coach Is Given Five-Year Contract. By TJif rnilrd Press. MISSOULA, Mont.— Dr. Clarence Spears, University of Minnesota coach, today signed a five-year contract to coach the University of ...
University of Oregon from
... University of Idaho student wluapph^formedical or dental school and who had a "B" average for all his college work was accepted, announced Dr. J. Irving Jolley ... University, and George Louis Nipp, Post Falls, University of Oregon.
University of Oregon from
... University In 1953 and his law degree from Willamette University in 1963. Before entering law practice In Eugene tn 1963, he was a diagnostician with the Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory on the Oregon State University campus. Kelsay is ...
University of Oregon from
... Oregon Press Conference at the University of Oregon Feb. 17 and 18. The conference, jointly sponsored by the School of Journalism and the Oregon Newspaper Publishers Assn., is under We direction of J. W. Forrester Jr. publisher of ...