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Basketball Recap: Friday's Defeat Ends Briarwood Academy's Winning Streak
MaxPreps News - Basketball Recap: Briarwood Academy Buccaneers vs. Edmund Burke Academy Spartans.
قبل 23 ساعة
Burke, A Man for All Seasons – Max Skjönsberg
Law & Liberty
Ross Carroll's new introduction to Edmund Burke's political thought examines the man of letters and the man of action.
قبل 5 أشهر
Fintan O’Toole delivers Annual Edmund Burke Lecture 2024
Trinity College Dublin
Author and columnist Fintan O'Toole delivered the 2024 Edmund Burke lecture focusing on the theme of 'Terror and Self-Pity: The Reactionary...
قبل شهر واحد
Contemplating Evil: Professor Joanna Bourke delivers Annual Edmund Burke Lecture 2023
Trinity College Dublin
Monstrous” women and how they've been treated throughout history was the topic of the 2023 Annual Edmund Burke Lecture delivered by...
قبل شهرين (2)
CANCELED: The Future of Conservatism: From Edmund Burke to Donald Trump to … What’s Next?
Fordham Now
Prominent young conservatives will discuss how conservatism came to this pass, whether it's a good or bad development, and where conservatism — and the GOP —...
قبل 8 أشهر
Modern democracies are in crisis. Could 18th-century political theorist Edmund Burke help us find a way out?
The Conversation
When parliament blocked a radical MP from taking his seat in parliament, Burke warned that ignoring the people's democratic will could have...
قبل 11 شهرًا
Opinion | Why Edmund Burke Still Matters (Published 2020)
The New York Times
Had it not been for the revolution in France, Edmund Burke would likely have been remembered, a bit vaguely, as an 18th-century...
قبل 53 شهرًا
The Great Debate: Edmund Burke vs. Thomas Paine
The Imaginative Conservative
The Great Debate: Edmund Burke, Thomas Paine, and the Birth of Left and Right, by Yuval Levin (296 pages, Basic Books, 2013)
قبل 11 شهرًا
Kemi Badenoch should read some Edmund Burke
New Statesman
Badenoch and her media outriders didn't raise this argument – that colonialism wasn't the source of British wealth – because they want to find the correct...
قبل 9 أشهر
Fact Check: Edmund Burke did not say evil triumphs when good men do nothing
A popular phrase warning against complacency has been misattributed to the eighteenth-century Irish philosopher and statesman Edmund Burke.
قبل 41 شهرًا