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inauthor: National Education Association of the United States. Meeting من
... National prominence on the program, and a Record attendance filling the Lew- Iston Armory to capacity, the Maine Teachers' Association convened tor their 84th annual meeting ... State, held the closest attention of her listeners as she ...
inauthor: National Education Association of the United States. Meeting من
... United (States arid indeed In almost the whole world. Having sullertd as wo ... education. •. He was a successful business man and accumulated considerable ... Association, is, WNH incorporated by our court on the 27th. 1. 7. of May ...
inauthor: National Education Association of the United States. Meeting من
... education for the general federation. Mrs. Blackman says she is receiving ... United States, to the end that plans could be matured for teaching those who ... Association for 32 years, and president of the Wintbrop Cemetery ...
inauthor: National Education Association of the United States. Meeting من
... us, and none more striking perhaps than the small attendance at the opening meeting yesterday. Seeing that there is indifference among the people generally, it is no wonder that the same is apnarent among some of the quorums ul tue ...
inauthor: National Education Association of the United States. Meeting من
... meeting of ouncil .. oi , the ,, . IToiiscxvives „....:......* Ab- Xt_ • held at tho °Z «„., afternoon. of the Women association who ycstcr havo rifled other States ... education be afforded lo the producer! Iu enable the daii>ing industry to ...
inauthor: National Education Association of the United States. Meeting من
... United States. Program focuses on Pittsburgh, and features interviews with ... Association, Arlo Guthrie, Cher and the Fresh Air. Chs. 21, 24 10:00 p.m. ... Education, the drug problem and race relations are anlong the topics ...
inauthor: National Education Association of the United States. Meeting من
Lit THE UNITED STATES- II THE UNITED STA1. which which h ch concern tinent ... education and charity, the study of conditions in our social life, the ... meeting was thoroughly representative, and comprised, along with tho HiKht ...
inauthor: National Education Association of the United States. Meeting من
... AMERICA: A regional conference of elementary school princi- pnU is one ... association; Bill Johnston*, Fort Benton, Mont.; Miss Rita M. Ilunsnn. state constiltunt in elementary education ... public instruction, chairman of the ...
inauthor: National Education Association of the United States. Meeting من
... Association, Mrs Harriet S. Brooks spoke ke as> follows, as reported by the ... national constitution is so fraim-i grant privileges. Why. then, M States ... education pun her moat sacred work. The efforts ••• whole life are blasted ...
inauthor: National Education Association of the United States. Meeting من
... Association. New lork Dour Page Co. Ji. li Arranged Koston Art Club Mr. WAUGH'S L Series of The December meeting of the Cert tl ri Brooks Reed Mrs HUI kins' 'olor Prints. Br" -Jul Enter the Law School Frank's will be Id Wednesday even i ...