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06/10/2012 · This channel provides academic videos linked to courses I teach and books and articles I have written.
28/12/2014 · This is my channel of documented creative projects. Involving astronomy projects, making of musical instruments and musical performances.
10/05/2015 · This is my channel of documented creative projects. Involving astronomy projects, making of musical instruments and musical performances.
26/09/2023 · @PTRSMTH - twitter/instagram ...more ...more. Subscribe. Home. Videos. Search. Videos · 0:29. geese in the park at dawn. 95 views. 4 years ago.
07/05/2015 · Danny Peter Smith & Sean Grandillo - Bed I Made. 1.5K views. 1 year ago · 4:11. Danny Peter Smith singing Tennessee Whiskey with Guitaro5000. 435K views.