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Give Me That Old Time Originalism
Public Discourse
Originalism in Theology and Law is a welcome salvo in an ecumenical and interdisciplinary conversation that has been too long dominated by originalism's...
قبل 3 أشهر
The Indispensable Originalist
Commentary Magazine
One of the most important speeches of the Reagan presidency was not delivered by the Great Communicator himself. In the summer of 1985,...
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How the Modern Law School Promotes Political Division and “Lawfare”
Minding The Campus
“Political parties live in a house of power. They are organizations for social fighting. The contents of a definite moral choice are never selected.
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'Stumbling Toward Utopia': How we got to a national nightmare (book review)
Christian Post
Tim Goeglein engages in a systematic evaluation of how the 1960s were the years when the seeds of social radicalism, sexual profligacy, and political division...
قبل 3 أشهر
Whose is the Wrong Rally?
Chronicles Magazine
By telling people shouting “Jesus Is Lord” that they didn't belong at her rally, Kamala Harris demonstrated the deep divide over religion between the...
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The Right to Bear Arms: A Constitutional Right of the People or a Privilege of the Ruling Class?
Independent Institute
The Right to Bear Arms is the first scholarly study of the history of the right to bear and carry arms outside of the home.
قبل 44 شهرًا
October 2024
Legal History Blog
Harvard Law School invites applications for the Raoul Berger-Mark De Wolfe Howe Legal History Fellowship for the academic year 2025-2026.
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Emily Morgan Associate / Chicago
Goldman Ismail Tomaselli Brennan & Baum LLP
Emily represents clients in complex civil cases. Her experience includes providing counseling for clients anticipating potential litigation.
قبل 8 أشهر
La libertad de expresión del presidente
Revista Seúl
El domingo pasado, el profesor Roberto Gargarella publicó en La Nación un artículo donde sugiere que el presidente Javier Milei debería ser enjuiciado...
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Originalism is a legal theory that bases constitutional, judicial, and statutory interpretation of text on the original understanding at the time of its...
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