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25‏/04‏/2024 · Stephen Presser is the Raoul Berger Professor of Legal History Emeritus at Northwestern University School of...
03‏/02‏/2024 · This reminds me of Raoul Berger's article: “The Ninth Amendment According to Randy Barnett.”
19‏/11‏/2024 · Steven Calabresi and Gary Lawson describe how Ed Meese was the most consequential attorney general in United States history.
06‏/07‏/2024 · When my former law professor, mentor, friend, and colleague at. Wake Forest Law School for eighteen years, Professor Michael Kent.
13‏/02‏/2024 · TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. TABLE OF AUTHORITIES ................................. ii. INTEREST OF AMICI CURIAE .......................... 1.
11‏/12‏/2024 · The history of the federal impeachment process -- 3. Which federal officials are impeachable -- 4. Defining impeachable offenses -- 5. Explaining the procedures ...
15‏/03‏/2024 · Brion McClanahan, Allen Mendenhall, Bill Watkins, and Jesse Meriam discuss Raoul Berger, the 14th Amendment, and Reconstruction in this Abbeville Institute ...
01‏/02‏/2024 · For the first time in nearly 40 years, it is a widely debated question within American conservatism whether originalism is the way Americans should ...
09‏/10‏/2024 · Justice Hecht is not the only lawyer to notice a connection between originalism in law and conservative approaches to biblical interpretation. Harvard Law ...