National Education Association of the United States. of schools , Rochester , N. Y .; and David E. Weglein , superintendent of schools , Baltimore , Md . The commission has had meetings in seven cities - Cleveland , Minneapo- lis ...
National Education Association of the United States. | THE STATE OF የ LELAND ... د , 8. Also this special Act : Every parent , guardian , or other son ... meeting of County Superinten upon call of the State Superintendent . The ...
National Education Association of the United States. ages reaching down to ... meetings and social improvement congresses emphasis has been placed on the ... in author- ity , be polite , cleanly in speech and thought , and fear to ...
National Education Association of the United States. Meeting. No teacher can study the causes for nonpromotion in her class , taking into account irregular attendance , physical or sense defects , personal illness , mental incapacity ...
The Journal of the National Education Association National Education Association of the United States ... meeting should be definitely planned . The aim of securing increased ... د The second is the sin of professional dishonor ...
National Education Association of the United States. No teacher can study the causes for nonpromotion in her class , taking into account irregular attendance , physical or sense defects , personal illness , mental incapacity , and ...
National Education Association of the United States. د President Cooley ... meeting of the Department of Superintendence in their midst ; and from the ... meeting ; to the board of education . for their interest ; to the Citizens ...
National Education Association of the United States. National Council of Education. د ... meeting . MR . HINSDALE , closing the discussion , made the following ... education are more absurd - if , indeed , anything is more absurd ...
National Education Association of the United States. No teacher can study the causes for nonpromotion in her class , taking into account irregular attendance , physical or sense defects , personal illness , mental incapacity , and ...