Constitutional Identity

Constitutional Identity

كتاب من قبل غاري جاي جاكوبسون
تاريخ النشر الأصلي: 25 أكتوبر 2010
25‏/10‏/2010 · In Constitutional Identity, Gary Jeffrey Jacobsohn argues that a constitution acquires an identity through experience—from a mix of the ...
المفقودة: جاكوبسون | عرض نتائج تتضمّن:جاكوبسون
Abstract: Constitutional theorists have had relatively little to say about the identity of what they study. This article addresses this inattention with a ...
المفقودة: جاي جاكوبسون
In Constitutional Identity, Gary Jeffrey Jacobsohn argues that a constitution acquires an identity through experience—from a mix of the political ...
المفقودة: جاي جاكوبسون
22‏/10‏/2024 · Jacobsohn explains that the main objective of a 'constitutional identity' is to deal with 'constitutional disharmony'. 107 According to ...
المفقودة: جاي | عرض نتائج تتضمّن:جاي
3 Jacobsohn argues that the concept of constitutional identity is fundamental to, and should sit at the very heart of, constitutional theory. He arrives at ...
المفقودة: جاي جاكوبسون
"Argues that a constitution acquires an identity through experience--from a mix of the political aspirations and commitments that express a nation's past ...
المفقودة: جاي جاكوبسون
14‏/09‏/2023 · This chapter builds upon Gary Jacobsohn's work conceptualizing constitutional identity as characterized by contestations, rather than consensus.
المفقودة: جاي جاكوبسون
CONSTITUTIONAL IDENTITY. by Gary Jeffrey Jacobsohn. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 2010. 388pp. Cloth. $45.00/£33.95/€40.50. ISBN ...
المفقودة: جاي جاكوبسون
قبل 21 ساعة · ... Identity, and Devotion in Fourteenth Century England: Three Women Patrons and their Books of Hours (British Library Studies in Medieval ...
قبل 24 ساعة · ... Jacobson|Professor David Lee Miller B.A. M.A. Ph.D.. College ... Person, Soul and Identity|R. Bolton. Ancient Capital of Scotland ...