Falun Dafa Association of New England presents

Shen Yun

Main Stage

The City of Burlington's Great Streets initiative is ongoing. Visit the city's website for information about Main Street construction and detours. Please allow extra time to get to the theater.


Shen Yun's unique artistic vision expands theatrical experience into a multi-dimensional, inspiring journey through one of humanity’s greatest treasures—the five millennia of traditional Chinese culture.

Enter a world where philosophers and poets alike sought harmony with the Dao, or “Way,” of the universe. Where maidens danced with ethereal grace and generals fought with explosive athleticism. Where timeless tales of valor and virtue were born. Where heaven and earth intersected, and even magic was possible.

Featuring one of the world’s oldest art forms— classical Chinese dance—along with innovative multimedia effects and all-original orchestral works, Shen Yun opens a portal to a civilization of enchanting beauty and enlightening wisdom.

Prepare for an experience that will take your breath away.

Entertainment of the highest order... An exemplary display of excellence. 

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